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Title:Graniel Construction and Cabinet Shop   -
Description:Welcome to Graniel's Construction Company. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share our expertise with you. Graniel's Construction Company specializes in custom design and remodeling of homes and condos. We are a full service, licensed building contractor. We build concrete, wood, and thatch homes. We also build piers, picnic palapas, and seawalls. Our cabinet shop creates custom wood cabinets and furniture out of the finest mahogany and exotic hardwoods.
Armando Graniel has been in the construction business for over fifteen years. He spends much of his time on the site himself.
He has built over 100 custom homes and has done many large additions. He has also done jobs that are smaller in scope such as kitchen and bath remodeling, custom decks and gazebos. With his 25 years of hands on construction experience, Armando Graniel has the background and professional knowledge to expertly handle all of your building projects. He can and has built everything from an entire resort to a single lounge chair. His many varied projects speak for themselves.
Category:Business Services: Contractors Electricians Plumbers
Link Owner:Belize Business Directory
Address:PO Box 90
City:San Pedro
District/Caye:Ambergris Caye
Phone Number:011-501-226-2632

Date Added:November 19, 2009 08:23:03 PM
Number Hits:3
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