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Title:Machaca Hill Resort   -
Description:Twelve elegantly appointed cabanas terraced on the hillside high up within the rainforest canopy awaite you. An awe-inspiring panorama with Guatemala and Honduras looms in the distance, a world class adventure resort invites you to feed your thirst for adventure; gather on sprawling verandas, enjoy delicious local cuisine or relax in the privacy of 12 elegantly appointed cabanas terraced on the hillside.
A private nature reserve, Laughing Falcon Reserve in Toledo, the southernmost territory of Belize, is more than a home for Machaca Hill. Originally established as a fishing lodge, the new owners, Outpost International, are committed to managing this 11,000 acre private nature reserve to promote and encourage the sustainable use of this verdant tropical environment.
Bordered by densely forested limestone hills and Toledo
Category:Accommodations: Hotels and Resorts: Toledo
Link Owner:Belize Business Directory
Address:PO Box 135
City:Punta Gorda
Phone Number:501 722 0050

Date Added:November 19, 2009 08:23:03 PM
Number Hits:1
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